Random Photos = Wisconsin Road Trip I had some downtime recently and was looking through some older photos. When I came across the photo above, I realized I had never posted about several short day trips taken in the summer and fall of 2017, which could be a great addition to someone’s Wisconsin road trip. […]
Port Washington is nick-named the City of Seven Hills and this post will cover a part of this city that’s high atop St. Mary’s Hill – one of the city’s most prominent hills. St. Mary’s Catholic Church sits on its perch and is visible from almost anywhere in the city. We saw it from Coal Dock Park in […]
We moved from Oregon to Port Washington, Wisconsin in 1986. We loaded up the back of a big yellow Ryder truck with all of our worldly possessions. Lindsay, our Golden Retriever, kept Jim company up front. I followed in our Datsun station wagon with our 2-year old and 4-month old daughters and my big black cat […]
This post will conclude my blogs from several visits to Door County over the summer of 2015. Although I have been there many times before, I never took the time to document those trips, so this was a little different. I really enjoy the “having a reason to take lots of pictures” because in the past […]