Gardens of Glass

Gardens of Glass

As our winter road trip continues, we find ourselves back in Peoria, AZ for our longest stay of the trip. Not having to move our digs for over two weeks will be heaven! We’ve been here many times, we know the area pretty well, and it doesn’t take long for us to feel at home at one of our favorite timeshares – Cibola Vista.

A few of my favorite things converged on one lovely evening while we were here – the transition from day to night, a fabulous botanical garden, a stunning blown glass expedition, and family.

Click on the first photo in each group and scroll to see the square photos at full size.
To start at the beginning of this series, visit So Long Snow 2022.

Shut Up and Show the Pictures!

By now you may have seen at least one of my trips to the Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix and clearly you know how much I love the desert. By now you know how Dale Chihuly‘s glass moves me, especially when light flows through it. And by now you know how important family is to us and how on our road trips we’ll swerve a bit to steer our path close enough for a visit. So, rather than ramble on about all those things, I’ll get right to the point of this post – to show you the pictures!

Click on the first one in the grouping to scroll through. If you’re on a laptop or iPad, they’ll be even prettier. I didn’t want to mess with the brightness on some of these, just to keep the “mood” of the evening. I rarely like to process the heck out of pictures. I like to present what I see, but of course, there are some exceptions to that.

Break and Dinner at the Gardens

About the time we needed a break for dinner, we had finished our first go-around of the Gardens. As the sun began to sink into the horizon, we could hardly wait for “Part 2” – the nighttime version! We had an absolutely fantastic dinner at Gertrude’s right onsite, so there was plenty of time to catch up with the family after a couple of years away.

Off we went into the night, where the lighting was a little more tricky. One thing that hadn’t occurred to me was the full moon. Add one more favorite thing to the list we crossed off tonight.

A Night to Remember

I’ll have to say, this night ranked up there with the best evenings of my life. Fantastic colors and light, beautiful desert plants, and family. I love our road trips.

Next up: Day Trips x4

Happy trails,

Barbara Olson

Barbara Olson

So Long Snow Recap

In Transition

Phoenix Finale

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