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Texas Timeshares

Alamo City

The next stop on our itinerary was five nights on the north end of San Antonio. Since we enjoyed the more well-known portion of the River Walk on a previous trip, we stayed closer to our new digs with a visit to the Pearl District. The misty rain was mostly just an annoyance and even […]

Oil Fields to Radiant Skies

Today we left the Texas Timeshares in Lakeway to continue our escape from Wisconsin’s winter. For the first time on this trek, we were able to enjoy one of our favorite road trip experiences. Instead of spending an hour at a restaurant or the alternative – slamming fast food or choking down a roller dog […]

Escape the Tundra 2019

Welcome to my accounting of a nine-week road trip to remember – a trip to avoid our Wisconsin winter. While we were away, we were watching the wind chills, snow accumulations and school closures which affected all of our midwestern family and friends, as well as folks in other parts of the U.S. It’s been […]